Your Para-church ministry can come under fgea's "umbrella"

What is an Associated Ministry?

If you are a Member of FGEA (individually), your para-church ministry organization may apply to join FGEA as an Associated Ministry. Any para-church ministry (such as singing ministries, schools, missionary ministries, campgrounds, etc.) can become a subordinate of FGEA and be known as an Associated Ministry. 

The primary advantage is that this allows the organization to operate legally as a non-profit ministry under FGEA's "group" ruling with the IRS. 

Associated Ministries of FGEA shall: 

  • Be duly incorporated in their home state as a non-profit religious organization; 
  • Adopt Constitution and Bylaws approved by the FGEA Executive Board;
  • Incorporate the FGEA Statement of Faith into said Constitution and Bylaws;
  • Have a Director who is currently a member of FGEA; 
  • Complete and submit to the FGEA office the appropriate application forms provided by FGEA;
  • Comply with all applicable portions of the Internal Revenue Service tax code governing religious organizations. 
  • Associated Ministries shall send to FGEA quarterly undesignated offerings.
  • Each Associated Ministry shall be responsible to send a annual financial report to FGEA as soon as possible after December 31 and no later than February 28. 

Associated Ministries shall have the privilege of sending a representative with one vote to the Annual Business Meeting and to any Special Meeting of the Association in all matters presented. 


To Join FGEA as an Associated Ministry,

please contact us by email or phone for instructions.



Call us @ 918-749-FGEA (3432)


Why do we ask Members, Churches, and Ministries to support the organization financially?

There are many great benefits that individuals, churches, and ministries have available to them by becoming a part of FGEA. FGEA provides a spiritual covering that is vital to any spiritual endeavor. In FGEA you will find fellowship, encouragement, and accountability that will strengthen your ministry. Additionally, you will be welcomed at Conventions, retreats, mission opportunities, Youth Camps, training seminars, plus many other outreaches and ministries supported by FGEA.

The Biblical principle of the tithe always flows upward – from the people to the priesthood – to the high priest – to God. When you choose to submit to the authority of a ministry like FGEA, you are asking them to bless and cover you spiritually. 

Clearly, the Lord’s work must be supported…and your support of FGEA is simply an indication of your heart toward what God is doing through FGEA. Your giving helps to support our sister organizations in several foreign nations, our missions giving, new FGEA churches, our Bible School Project, pastoral instruction and counseling, and much more! 

We firmly believe that by banding together, we can do more than we can by ourselves!

I'm ready to join personally. How can I get more more info on being licensed or ordained into ministry with FGEA?



Can my CHURCH join FGEA? YES!!

Church Membership Process

I'm not sure my Church would benefit from joining a ministry network like FGEA.

What are the benefits?  


If you would like more information or are having problems with the links above, please e-mail the office at  and we will be glad to answer any of your questions!